Thursday, March 22, 2012

Benefits of Mistletoe to Prevent Cancer and Hypertension

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Benefits of Mistletoe to Prevent Cancer and Hypertension:
Benefit of mistletoe to prevent cancerand hypertension - This large family of loranthceae islike a homeless, always ride to live on other plants. Mistletoe known as aparasitic plant that lives depend on its host. Besides, mistletoes even takefood from its host to survive.

But, did you know that the mistletoeappears to have efficacy for preventing and treating many diseases, especiallycancer and hypertension? A research according to experts, there are severalspecies of mistletoes that proved able to prevent the growth of cancer cellsamong which scurrula oortinam, dendrophthoe pentranda and macrosolencochinchinensis.
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