Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cucumber Benefits to Treat Hypertension, Diabetes and Anti-Cancer

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Cucumber Benefits to Treat Hypertension, Diabetes and Anti-Cancer:
Cucumber's benefitsTo treat hypertension, diabetes and Anti Cancer - Duringthis time, maybe we know cucumbers are widely used for beauty ingredients suchas skin moisturizing, compresses the eyes and are also often used as a mixtureof drinks for freshness. Nevertheless, it turns out cucumber has many otherhealth benefits, including lowering and treating hypertension.

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourdfamily Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash, and in the same genus as themuskmelon. Cucumber contain saponin substances (mucus), protein, fat, calcium,phosphorus, iron, sulfur vitamin A. B1 and C. Cucumber seeds contain lots of vitaminE to prevent aging and remove wrinkles. Behind the freshness, meet cucumbersalso contain lots of water, vitamin C and kafeat acid to relieve skinirritations and reduce the fluid buildup under the skin.
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